Using Classes¶
Once we defined a class and provided some instances, we can use the class for those instances. There are several ways to do this.
Qualified names¶
You can use a fully qualified name to access a class method:
println$ Eq[int]::==(1, 2);
println$ Eq[int]::eq(1, 2);
println$ Eq[double]::eq(1.1, 2.2);
You can leave out the type when it can be deduced by overload resolution:
println$ Eq::==(1, 2);
println$ Eq::eq(1, 2);
Missing Instances¶
If you try to use a method which has not been defined by an instance for the type you used, you will get an instantiation error. This is not a type error, it just means you forgot to provide an instance for that type:
// println$ Eq::==("Hello", "World");
// WOOPS! we didn't defined it for strings
Opening a Class¶
The easiest way to use a class is to open it:
open Eq;
println$ eq(1,2);
println$ 1 == 2;
println$ 1.1 == 2.2;
This is the most common method for script. In fact many classes in the standard library have already been opened for you.
Opening a Class Specialisation¶
It is also possible to open a specialisation of a class:
open Eq[int];
println$ eq(x,y);
println$ x == y;
// println$ 1.1 == 2.2;
// WOOPS, can't find == for double * double
This is not an instantiation error, and instance for double exists. The problem is that we didn’t open Eq for double, only for int.
Passing a class to a function¶
You can also pass a class or specialisation to a function. Here is a monomorphic example:
fun eq3[with Eq[int]] (x:int, y:int, z:int) =>
x == y and y == z
This is exactly the same as opening the class or specialisation inside the function. It is useful because it isolates the access to the class by functional abstraction.
Here is a polymorphic example:
fun eq3[T with Eq[T]] (x:T, y:T, z:T) =>
x == y and y == z