C Bindings¶
In Felix you can use C bindings to lift types from C and C++. The resulting nominal types are abstract. Unless otherwise specified, all types lifted from C or C++ must be first class; that is, semi-regular. This means that values of those types can be default constructed, copy constructed, copy assigned, move constructed, move assigned, and destroyed; in other words, behave “like an integer”.
To lift immobile objects, lift a pointer instead.
Lifting Primitives¶
Here’s how you lift primitive types:
type int = "int";
type long = "long";
type ulong = "unsigned long";
type address = "void*";
The quoted name must be usable in the forms T x, T *x. This means you cannot lift a C function pointer type such as int (*)(double, long) because the variable name has to go just before the *.
Lifting Class types¶
Class types require a bit more work:
type vector[T] = "::std::vector<?1>"
requires header "#include <vector>"
Here, the ?1 annotation means the first type variable so that for example vector[ulong] lifts ::std::vector<unsigned long>.
When lifting C++ types make sure to always specify the absolute pathname of the type. Starting with :: is strongly recommended. This avoids any possible ambiguity in generated code.
The requires clause with header option tells Felix to emit the quoted text in the header file of generated code, before the type is used. If the type is not used, the #include will not be emitted.
C function types¶
C function types can be defined directly in Felix:
typedef int2int = int --> int;
// typedef int (nt2int*)(int)
The type int2int is an alias, and the C function type is a structural type, not nominal type.
Lifting C structs and unions¶
C structs can be lifted in a way that exposes their fields, provided the fields are not const:
header mypair_h =
struct mypair { int x; int y; };
cstruct mypair {
x: int;
y: int;
} requires mypair_h;
Here, to make the code complete, the C definition is given with floating header code so it can be required by the binding. Usually, it will be given in a header file.
A cstruct works exactly the same as a struct except that no definition is emitted.
There are caveats! Felix generates the usual elementwise constructor but it will lead to corruption unless the cstruct model of the type in Felix exactly matches the definition in C. However this is not required for access to the field components. In particular the cstruct construction in Felix can be used to model a C union as well.
It’s not possible to specify a namespace or class qualification for the C type.
Lifting functions and procedures¶
Since primitive types lifted from C are abstract, we have to be able to define operations on them with C bindings too.
proc push_back[V]: &vector[V] * V = $1->push_back($2);";
fun front[V]: vector[V] -> V = "$1.front()";
var v : vector[int];
push_back (&v, 42);
println$ v.front; // 42
We use $1 abd $2 fir the first and second arguments, respectively.
Lifting Constants and Expressions¶
You can lift a C constant, variable, or even expressions using the const binder:
const pi : double = "M_PI" requires C99_headers::math_h;
Lifting enums¶
A special shorthand is available for lifting C enums, intended for sequences:
cenum color = red,blue,green;
This is (roughly) equivalent to:
type color = "color";
const red: color = "red";
const blue: color = "blue";
const green: color = "green";
fun == : color * color -> bool = "$1==$2";
Note in particular equality is automatically defined. This is required for using the enumeration values in pattern matches.
Lifting Flags¶
A special shorthand is available for lifting C enums, intended for flags:
cflags color = red,blue,green;
This defines equality as for cenums, but also makes all the standard bitwise operations available.