Coroutine Termination¶
Run procedure¶
In order to better understand coroutines, we will examine the semantics of a fundamental procedure run.
run start_network;
The run procedure is an ordinary procedure that returns when it is finished. It creates a new coroutine scheduler object, and then spawns its argument on that scheduler. It then runs all the fibres on the scheduler until there are none left, and returns.
Fibre States¶
Every fibre is in one of four states. It is either running, active, waiting, or dead.
At any time, for any scheduler, there is only ever one running fibre. If there are no running fibres, the scheduler terminates. Every pthread that is spawned automatically runs a fibre scheduler, including the mainline thread!
A fibre is active if it is suspended but ready to run. The scheduler keeps a list of active fibres. When the currently running fibre suspends, the scheduler just picks another fibre off the active list and runs it. If there are no fibres on the active list, the scheduler procedure returns.
A fibre which is waiting will be either waiting to read or waiting to write. The waits always occur on a specific schannel. Every schannel is therefore either empty, contains a list of fibres waiting to read, or contains a list of fibres waiting to write.
If a write operation is performed on a channel which is empty, the writing fibre is added to the channel wait list. If the channel already contains fibres waiting to write, the writing fibre is also added to the channel wait list.
But if the channel contains a list of fibres waiting to read, then one of the fibres is taken off the channel wait list instead, the object being written is transfered from the writer to the reader, and both the fibres are added to the schedulers active list. Since the writer was running, and is now merely active, the scheduler picks another fibre to run.
Read operations work exactly the same way, swapping the meaning or read and write about.
If a fibre is waiting to read, but no other fibre ever writes to the channel it is waiting on, the fibres is said to be starved. If a fibre is waiting to write, but no other fibre ever reads from the channel it is waiting on, the fibre is said to be blocked.
With pthreads, this lockup is fatal and invariably a design fault. Not so with fibres! Recall our reader:
// reader fibre
proc reader (inp: %<int) ()
while true do
var x = read inp;
println$ "Read " + x.str;
This is an infinite loop but our write only wrote 10 integers. So after reading 10 integers our fibre starves!
Now here is the trick! Only the reader and writer fibres can reach the channel that connects them. No one else could write on that channel, because no one else knows its name. What is more, the writer has returned so is now dead, so it cannot reach the channel either, because it doesn’t exist!
So since the reader is not running or active, even the scheduler doesn’t know about it. Only the channel knows about it, and only the reader knows about the channel.
So the scheduler now has no running or active procedures and it returns. The starving reader and the channel are unreachable and forgotten. So the garbage collector simply deletes them.
Unlike pthreads, locking up is potentially a correct way to terminate. The motto is that fibres cannot dead-lock because if they do they’re dead and if they’re dead the don’t exist so they cannot be dead-locked.
However, coroutines can livelock. A livelock occurs when there is a fibre which can do write on a channel which would relieve starvation of another fibre, but choses not to, or, a fibre which can read from a channel which would relieve a blockage, but chooses not too. In other works the channel is statically reachable but is dynamically ignored.
The key to correct design with coroutines is simple: if a routine is not going to perform I/O on a channel it must forget it. In other words the channel must go out of scope.
Our start_network procedure obeys this rule. It never reads or writes from the channel it constructs but after binding the channel to the reader and write procedures and spawning the bindings as fibres, it returns, thereby its knowledge of the channel is forgotten, in particular because it doesn’t exist after returning!