Building a Plugin¶
Here are specific instructions to build and use a plugin.
Interface File¶
First we have a file ob_interface.flx in the current directory:
// ob_interface.flx
interface ob_t {
name: 1->string;
underage: 1->bool;
setage: int -> 0;
Implementation File¶
Now we implement the plugin in ob_implementation.flx in the current directory:
// ob_implementation.flx
include "./ob_interface";
object ob (x:string) implements ob_t {
var age = 0;
method fun name () => x;
method fun underage () => age < 21;
method proc setage (y:int) { age = y; }
fun setup(x:string) {
println$ "Setup string `" + x + "`";
return 0;
export fun setup of string as "ob_implementation_setup";
export fun ob of string as "ob_implementation";
Here the include directive is loading the interface relative to the including file. Put both in the current directory for convenience!
The export fun directive generates an extern “C” wrapper for a Felix function, giving it the quoted linker name. Because of overloading you have to specify the function domain type to pick the right function (even if there’s only one).
Client File¶
Our plugin client is the file ob_client.flx in the current directory:
// ob_client.flx
include "./ob_interface";
var ob =
( dll-name="ob_implementation", setup-str="", entry-point="ob")
var joe = ob "joe";
println$ "name " +;
This will load the plugin, initialise it using the setup function, and then run the primary entry point.
Building the plugin¶
The plugin is built on all platforms using the command line:
flx -c -od . ob_implementation.flx
The -c tells Felix to compile and link the file but not run it. The -od . tells Felix to put the linker output in the current directory. The file will have the basename ob_implementation on all platforms, and will have an extension appropriate to a DLL on your platform.
Running the client¶
To run the client on OSX I just did this:
flx ob_client.flx
That’s it! You may need to set the environment variable that controls the DLL search path. So on OSX:
DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=. flx ob_client.flx
On Linux:
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. flx ob_client.flx
and on Windows:
PATH=. flx ob_client.flx
If you set the environment variable FLX_SHELL_ECHO=1 then all calls the system shell will be echoed to the console. In addition, calls to the system dynamic loader to load a plugin will be reported.