Subtyping Rules¶
Subtyping rules specify when Felix can perform implicit coercions.
Records support both width and covariant depth subtyping.
Width subtyping¶
A parameter accepting a certain set of fields can be passed a record value with additional fields. Felix inserts a coercion which builds a new record with only the required fields:
fun f(p : (a:int, b: int)) => p.a + p.b;
f (a=1,b=2,c=3); // OK, c field is discarded
Depth subtyping¶
A parameter accepting a record with a field of type P will accept a record with the field of type B provided B is a subtype of P:
fun f(p : (a=int, b=(c:int, d:int))) => p.a + p.b.c + p.b.d;
f (a=1,b=(c=2,c=3,d=4)); // OK, b value is coerced
In this example, the type of field b of the argument is coerced to the type of field b of the parameter, as it happens by width subtyping.
Depth and width subtyping can be used simulaneously and apply recursively.
Tuple and array subtyping¶
Tuples, and thus arrays, support covariant depth subtyping. For example:
f(p: (a:int,b:int), d:int) => p.a + p.b +p.c;
println$ f ((a=1,b=2,c=3,42); // OK, coerce first component
Although well principled, width subtyping is not supported for tuples and arrays, even though this is a special case of record subtyping. This is because it is likely to be confusing in the presence of overloading.
Polymorphic Variant Subtyping¶
Polymorphic variants support width and covariant depth subtyping, however, the width subtyping rule is the reverse of that for records, the argument must have less fields:
typedef psub = (`A | `B | `C);
typedef psup = (`A | `B | `C | `D);
var v = `A :>> psub;
fun f(p: psup) => match p with
| `A => "A"
| `B => "B"
| `C => "C"
| `RD=> "D"
println$ f v;
The function f can handle 4 cases, so passing an argument which could only be one of three of them is safe.
Anonymous Sum Type Subtyping¶
Like tuples anonymous sums support covariant depth subtyping but not width subtyping, for the same reason. It would be confusing if a function with a bool parameter accepted a unit argument, even though in principle 1 is a subtype of 2.
Function subtyping¶
Functions support subtyping, the domain is contravariant and the codomain is covariant.
Abstract Pointer Subtyping¶
Abstract pointers are defined by:
typedef fun rptr (T:TYPE) : TYPE => (get: 1 -> T);
typedef fun wptr (T:TYPE) : TYPE => (set : T -> 0);
typedef fun rwptr (T:TYPE) : TYPE => (get: 1 -> T, set : T -> 0);
and therefore as record types follow the subtyping rules for records. In particular, the read-write pointer type rwptr is a subtype of both the read-only pointer rptr and write-only pointer wptr by record with subtyping rules.
rptr is covariant by a combination of depth subtyping rules for records and the covariance of function codomains.
wptr is contravariant by a combination of depth subtyping rules for records and contravariance of function domains.
rwptr is invariant since it must be simultaneously covariant and contravariant.
Machine Pointer Subtyping¶
Felix has three primary machine pointer types, a read-only pointer, a write-only pointer, and a read-write pointer, which is a subtype of the other two types. The type pointed at is invariant.
Although in principle, machine pointers should follow the model for abstract pointers, depth subtyping is not supported because it cannot be concretely implemented in general.
There is however one special exception. In principle, variance can be implemented if the coercion is phantom, that is, it impacts the type system but does not change the underlying machine address. Felix considers a write-only machine pointer to a uniq T to be a subtype of a write-only pointer to a T. This is necessary so that the procedure:
proc storeat[T] ( p: &>T, v: T) = { _storeat (p,v); }
works with pointer to a uniq T. Without this rule, assignments to uniquely type variable would not be possible, such assignments actually model moves.
Unique Subtypes¶
The type uniq T is a subtype of T. This means a parameter of type T can be passed an argument of type uniq T, discarding the uniqueness. This works because the compiler back end discards the uniqueness constructor anyhow, so the binding degenerates to a non-unique operation after unique typing rules are validated.
Subtyping with Nominal Types¶
Felix allows monomorphic nominal types to form subtyping relations by allowing the user to define coercions.
Signed Integers¶
For example Felix provides:
supertype vlong: long = "(long long)$1";
supertype long: int = "(long)$1";
supertype int : short= "(int)$1";
supertype short : tiny = "(short)$1";
Such subtyping coercions are transitive, for example, int is a subtype of long. Felix will generate a composite coercion automatically. If there is more than one composition, the composites must have the same effect because Felix will chose one arbitrarily.
Consider the following functions:
fun add(x:int, y:int):int => x + y;
fun add(x:long, y:long):int => x + y;
fun add(x:vlong, y:vlong):int => x + y;
together with the subtyping rules above, the functions will behave the same way as addition in C; that is, as if C integral promotion rules applied.
Exact Signed Integers¶
Felix provides subtyping for normal C signed integer types and exact C signed integer types.
supertype int64: int32 = "(int64_t)$1";
supertype int32 : int16 = "(int32_t)$1";
supertype int16 : int8 "(int16_t)$1";
however there are no conversions between signed and unsigned types, between normal and exact types, or between unsigned types.
Real to Complex¶
There are no conversions between floating point reals. C defined promotions from float to double and double to long double but in fact these are wrong: numerical analysis suggests the safe conversions actually go in the other direction.
However float reals can be embedded in complex numbers of the same precision:
supertype fcomplex: float = "::std::complex<float>($1,0.0f)";
supertype dcomplex: double = "::std::complex<double>($1)";
supertype lcomplex: ldouble = "::std::complex<long double>($1)";
Note this means any complex parameter will accept a float real argument.
Its very annoying we cannot embed integers into the floats implicitly. However for this to work, the would have to go to double alone. To get the embedding to all floating types would require subtyping the floating types to avoid ambiguity.