
In Felix we have at type named int which has values which are small integers close to zero.


This type is defined by lifting it from C++ in the library by:

type int = "int";

The exact range of integers represented is therefore determined by the underlying C++ implementation.


Non-negative values of type int can be written as a sequence of the decimal digits like this:


You can also put an underscore or single quote between any two digits:



There are no negative integer literals. However you can find the negative of an integer using a prefix negation operator, the dash character -, or the function neg:

neg 1

Infix Operators

Integers support simple formulas:

(12 + 4 - 7) * 3 / 6 % 2

Here, + is addition, infix - is subtraction, * is multiplication, / is division, and % is the remainder after a division.

Sign of quotient and remainder

Division and remainder require a little explanation when negative numbers are involved. The quotient of a division in C, and thus Felix, always rounds towards zero, so:

-3/2 == -1

The the quotient is non-negative if the two operands are both negative or both non-negative, otherwise it is non-positive.

The remainder, then, must satifsy the formula:

dividend == quotient * divisor + remainder

so that we have

remainder == dividend - quotient * divisor

Therefore the remainder is non-negative if, and only if, the dividend is non-negative, otherwise it is non-positive.


We provide the usual comparisons from C: == is equality, != is inequality, < is less than, > is greater than, <= is less than or equal to, and >= is greater than or equal to.

The result of a comparison is value of bool type.

Constant Folding

If you write a formula involving only literals of type int, the Felix compiler will perform the calculation according to mathematical rules, using a very much bigger integer representation. At the end, the result will be converted back to the smaller int representation.

If the result of the calculations exceeds the size of the compiler internal representation, or, the final result is too large for an int, the result is indeterminate.

Division by Zero

If a division or remainder operation has a divisor of zero, the compiler may abort the compilation, or it may defer the problem until run time. If the problem is deferred and the code is executed, an exception will be thrown and the program aborted. However the code may not be executed.

Out of bounds values

If the result of a calculation performed at run time is out of bounds, the result is indeterminate.

Summary: Integer Comparisons

Operator Type Syntax Semantics
== int * int -> bool Infix Equality
!= int * int -> bool Infix Not Equal
<= int * int -> bool Infix Less or Equal
< int * int -> bool Infix Less
>= int * int -> bool Infix Greater or Equal
> int * int -> bool Infix Greater

Summary: Integer Operations

Operator Type Syntax Semantics
+ int * int -> int Infix Addition
- int * int -> int Infix Subtraction
* int * int -> int Infix Multiplication
/ int * int -> int Infix Division
% int * int -> int Infix Remainder
- int -> int Prefix Negation
neg int -> int Prefix Negation
abs int -> int Prefix Absolute Value

More Integers

Felix has many more integer types. See the reference manual:

for details.