
Filename function reside in class Filename. This class is not open by default, it is recommended the functions below are called explicitly qualified by Filename::.

Path separator

A function returning the system path separator, / on Unix, and ‘' on Windows:

fun sep: 1 -> string;

Path kind

A function detecting if a filename is absolute or relative

fun is_absolute_filename : string -> bool;


A function returning the filesystem root directory name, / on Unix and ‘C:’ on Windows:

virtual fun root_subdir : string -> string;

Binary codefile Extensions

Functions returning the extensions (including the dot)

virtual fun executable_extension : 1 -> string;
virtual fun static_object_extension: 1 -> string;
virtual fun dynamic_object_extension: 1 -> string;
virtual fun static_library_extension: 1 -> string;
virtual fun dynamic_library_extension: 1 -> string;

Path Splitting

split1 returns a pair consisting of a directory name and basename with the separator between them lost except in the special case “/x” where the “/” is kept as the directory name. If there is no separator, the path is the basename and the directory name is the empty string (NOT . !!!)

fun split1(s:string): string * string;

split a filename into a list of components.

fun split(s:string)=> split (s, List::Empty[string]);

Get the basename of a path (last component).

fun basename(s:string) :string;

Get the directory name of a path (all but the last component).

fun dirname(s:string) : string;

Return a list of all the directory names in a path. For example a/b/c gives “a”, “a/b”

fun directories (s:string) : list[string];

Split off extension. Includes the dot. Invariant: input = basename + extension. Works backwards until it hits a dot, path separator, or end of data. If a dot, strip it and the tail of the string, otherwise return the original string.

fun split_extension (s:string): string * string;

Remove an extension from a filename if there is one.

fun strip_extension (s:string) => s.split_extension.0;

Get extension if there is one. Includes the dot.

fun get_extension (s:string) => s.split_extension.1;

Path joining

Join two pathnames into a single pathname. split and join are logical inverses, however join is not not associative: join(“x”, join(“”,”y”)) = “x/y” whereas join(join(“x”,””),”y”) = “x//y” since split pulls components off from the RHS we have to fold them back from the left

fun join(p:string, b:string) : string;

Note it is common to write in your code:

fun /(p:string, b:string) => Filename::join (p,b);

Join all the strings in a list into a pathname.

fun join(ps: List::list[string]): string;