Information about files can be found from class FileStat. It is not open by default.
Get information about a file into a status buffer. Sets error code at argument 3 pointer.
proc stat: string * &stat_t * ∫
set access and modification time of a file. Sets error code at argument 4 pointer. Times are in seconds, nominally from Epoch (Jan 1 1970).
proc utime: string * double * double * ∫
Change read,write permissions for group, owner etc. Return 0 on success. On Windows this function may silently fail to obey unsupported operations.
gen chmod: string * mode_t -> int;
set mask for subsequent permissions. On Windows this function may silently fail to obey unsupported operations.
gen umask: mode_t -> mode_t;
Abstracted platform independent file type taxonomy.
variant file_type_t =
Get the file type from a file stat buffer.
virtual fun file_type: &stat_t -> file_type_t;
Fill a stat buffer with information about a file.
gen stat(file: string, statbuf:&stat_t);
Get a file last modification time from a stat buffer. Time is in seconds.
fun mtime: &stat_t -> double = "(double)($1->st_mtime)";
Get a file creation time from a stat buffer. Note: not available on Unix. Time is in seconds.
fun ctime: &stat_t -> double = "(double)($1->st_ctime)";
Get modification time of a file by name. Time is in seconds.
fun filetime(f:string):double;
Set the last access and modification time of a file by name.
gen utime(f:string, a:double, m:double): bool;
Set the last access and modification time of a file by name, where the two times are given by a single argument.
gen utime(f:string, t:double);
Check if a file exists.
fun fileexists(f:string):bool=> filetime f != 0.0;
Find the type of a file.
fun filetype(f:string):file_type_t;
File time conversions.
fun past_time () => -1.0;
fun future_time () => double(ulong(-1)); // a hacky way to get a big number
fun strfiletime0 (x:double) :string;
fun strfiletime (x:double) : string;
fun dfiletime(var f:string, dflt:double) : double;