
Lists are a fundamental, polymophic data type. Felix list is a singly linked, purely function data type. All the values in a list have the same type.

Creating a list.

A list can be created from an array:

var x = list (1,2,3,4);

A more compact notation is provided as well:

var x = ([1,2,3,4]);

Empty lists

For an empty list there are two notations:

var x = list[int] (); // empty list of int
var y = Empty[int];   // empty list of int

Displaying a list

A list can be converted to a human readable form with the str function, provided the values in the list can be converted as well:

println$ "A list is " + ([1,2,3,4]).str;


Lists can be concatenated with the + operator:

println$ list (1,2,3) + ([4,5,6]);


The length of a list is found with the len function, the result is type size:

println$ ([1,2,3,4]).len; // 4

Prepending an element

A new element can be pushed on the front of a list with the Cons function or using the infix ! operator, or even with +:

var a = ([2,3,4]);
var b = Cons (1, x);
var c = 1 ! a;
var d = 1 + a;

The lists b, c and d all share the same tail, the list a. This means the prepend operation is O(1). It is safe because lists are immutable.

The use of + is not recommended because it is rather too heavily overloaded. In particular note:

1 + 2 + ([3,4]) // ([3,3,4])
1 + (2 + ([3,4]) // ([1,2,3,4])

because addition is left associative.

Pattern matching lists

Lists are typically decoded by a recursive function that does pattern matching:

proc show(x:list[int]) =>
  match x with
  | Empty => println$ "end";
  | head ! tail =>
    println$ "elt= " + head.str;
    show tail;

The text between the | and => is called a pattern. To analyse a list, there are two cases: the list is empty, or, the list has a head element and a following tail. The procedure prints “end” if the list is empty, or the head element followed by the tail otherwise.