A record is like a tuple, except the components are named:
var x = (a=1, b="hello", c=42.0);
println$ x.b;
Actually, you can use a blank name, or leave a name out:
var x = (a=1,42.0,n""="What?");
Note the use of the special identifier form n”…” in which the text of the identifier is zero length.
Duplicate Fields¶
Fields names in a record can be duplicated:
var x = (a=1,a=2,32,77);
In this case, when the field name is used to access a component it refers to the left most instance of the field. While this may seem like an unusual feature in isolation, it is needed to support polyrecords (row polymorphism).
There is a special case: if all the field names are blank, the record is a tuple. So in fact tuples are just a special case of records.
Function Application¶
Earlier we saw examples of function application, but function application is implicitly performed on tuples and records:
fun f(x:int,y:double)
// accepts either of the following
f (1,2.1)
f (x=1,y=2.1)
The order doesn’t matter if you use names, except for duplicates.