Objects, Values and Pointers¶
Felix supports both functional and imperative programming styles. The key bridge between these models is the pointer.
An array in Felix is an immutable value, it cannot be modified as a value. However an array can be stored in a variable, which is the name of an object. An object has two significant meanings: it names a storage location, and also refers to the value located in that store.
In Felix, the name of a variable denotes the stored value, whilst the so-called address-of operator applied to the variable name denotes the location:
var x = 1,2,3,4; //1: x is an array value, and ..
var px = &x; //2: it also denotes addressable store
var y = *px; //3: y is a copy of x
px <- 5,6,7,8; //4: x now stores a new array
This code illustrates how to get the address of a variable on line 2, to fetch the value at the address in line 3, and to modify the value at the address, in line 4.
The prefix symbol & is sometimes called the address-of operator, however it is not an operator! Rather, it is just a way to specify that we want the address of the store a variable denotes, rather than the value stored there, which is denoted by the plain variable name.
The address is a Felix data type called a pointer type. If a variable stored a value of type T, the pointer is denoted by type &T.
In line 3 we use the so-called dereference operator, prefix *, to denote the value held in the store to which a pointer points. Dereference is a real operator.
In line 4, we use the infix left arrow operators, which is called store-at, it is used to store right hand argument value in the location denoted by the left hand pointer value.
The new operator¶
Felix also provide the prefix new operator which copies a value onto the heap and returns pointer to it.
var px = new 42;
var x = *px; // x is 42
px <- 43; // px now points to 43
This is another way to get a pointer to an object, which allows the value stored to be replaced or modified.
Pointer projections¶
All product types including arrays, tuples, records, and structs provide value projections for fetching parts of the value, the parts are called components:
var ax = 1,2,3,4; // array
var ax1 = ax.1; // apply projection 1 to get value 2
var tx = 1, "hello", 42.0; // tuple
var tx1 = tx.1; // apply projection 1 to get value "hello"
var rx = (a=1, b="hello", c=42.0); // record
var rx1 = rx.b; // apply projection b to get value "hello"
struct X {
var sx = X (1, "hello", 42.0); // struct
var sx1 = sx.b; // apply projection b to get value "hello"
Arrays and tuples have numbered components, and thus are accessed by numbered projections, records and structs have named components and thus values are accessed by named projections.
Although the indicators here are numbers and names, value projections are first class functions. The functions and their types, respectively, are:
proj 1: int^4 -> int
proj 1: int * string * double -> string
b: (a:int, b:string, c:double) -> string
b: X -> string
These are value projections. To store a value in a component of a product type, we must first obtain a pointer to the store in which it is located, and then we can apply a pointer projection to it, to obtain a pointer to the component’s store. Then we can use the store-at procedure to set just that component, leaving the rest of the product alone:
&ax . 1 <- 42; // array
&tx . 1 <- "world"; // tuple
&rx . b <- "world"; // record
&sx . b <- "world"; // struct
In each case we use the same projection index, a number or a name, as for a value projection, but the projections are overloaded so they work on pointers too. These pointer projections are first class functions, here are their types, respectively:
proj 1: &(int^4) -> &int
proj 1: &(int * string * double) -> &string
b: &(a:int, b:string, c:double) -> &string
b: &X -> &string
What is critical to observe is that pointers are values, and the pointer projections are first class, purely functional functions. Unlike C and C++ there is no concept of lvalues or references. The store-at operator is a procedure, and so it is used in imperative code, but the calculations to decide where to store are purely functional.
The programmer should note that C address arithmetic is also purely functional, however, C does not have any well typed way to calculate components of products other than arrays: you do the calculations only by using the offsetof macro and casts.
C++ has pointers to members, but the calculus is incomplete, they cannot be added together!
In Felix, projections are functions so adding component offsets in products is, trivially, just function composition!